Clear Out – 50% off ! Velo Routier Frames $262.50 USD While They Last

We have a few blue Velo Routier frames left. Even though we doubled the number of small and medium frames in our last order, they sold out quickly but our Large (57cm) and X-Large (60cm) sizes puzzlingly have not. So we are having the first sale we ever had to move the last of these frames along – reduced from $525 USD to $262.50 USD until they are all sold,.We have only a couple of 51 and 54cm frames left and less thirty-five of the 57cm and 60 cm left in both braze-on and without braze-on configurations.

We haven’t decided to do another run of Velo Routier frames. If we do, they won’t be delivered until spring of 2024 at the earliest.